Wednesday 13 April 2016

Ideas + SWOT Analysis

Concerning Killer Whales
My first EPQ idea is to present information about how killer whales are abused at   SeaWorld, with the aim to come to the conclusion whether it is right to use living animals for shows for the amusement of people, and whether they should even be kept in captivity in the first place.
SWOT Analysis
  • I am determined to complete this project and willing to work extremely hard to complete it to a high standard
  • I have good research skills and a comprehensive use of language to ensure the project is presented to the highest standard 
  • As an animal lover, I may face the possibility of being slightly biased when presenting ideas about keeping animals in captivity.
  • The project will allow me to deeply research a topic which I am passionate about
  • It will also allow me to develop research and presentation skills to prepare me for my university dissertation
  • It may be difficult to find unbiased sources, as most sources are written my animal rights activists
Feral Children
My second EPQ idea is to present information about the existence of feral children, specifically those who have been taken in and raised by animals, and the effect that this had had on their later life.

SWOT Analysis
  • I am determined to complete this project and willing to work extremely hard to complete it to a high standard
  • I have good research skills and a comprehensive use of language to ensure the project is presented to the highest standard 
  • As this topic also involves animal and research on humans, I would find it hard to write from a balanced perspective, as in my opinion, the studies done on Feral Children have caused a lot of psychological damage.
  • This topic fascinates me, so I would get a lot of enjoyment put of researching it in detail
  • It may be difficult to find credited sources, as much of the information about Feral children is based on myth and speculation with only a few genuinely studied cases.
  • It is also quite hard not to fall into the nature/ nurture debate with this topic, which may make it difficult to reach a conclusion.


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